
Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend Snap Shots & a Recent Purchase!

Happpyyyy Monday!
Said no one ever.

This weekend rolled by waaayyy way too quick. 
I was really looking forward to relaxing and getting my glow on at the pool since
the past 3 months full of weekends have been packed.. and well, that didn't happen.

First and FOREMOST- overly excited to announce that I finally bought a nice camera.
She doesn't have a name but she DOES have a fancy schmancy new
camera strap on the way! Thank youuu ETSY!

Ok so technically I bought the camera strap before I bought the camera?
Yes, I realize that is ridiculous but I did kind of name our dog Jake before we even 
knew we were getting a dog. Also, ridiculous. I know.
Anyway, Bryan has made it clear that he won't be toting around
this little beauty with THAT strapped to it but it was a necessity. 

This Saturday was Stacy's 26th birthday which was the perfect
opportunity to start playing with me new toy.. Enter a TON of random pictures.

Clearly still a LOT of figuring out left to do!
Found a TON of good foodie photo tutorials that I'll 
be browsing through this week... 

Also! QUICK movie review!
So this past weekend we saw two movies...
We really do have a movie theatre addition.
Who goes to the movies twice in one weekend?
That's right, people, we do. 

Friday we saw Pain & Gain which was definitely awesome.
DEFINITELY a little gruesome, which was unexpected, but the
movie itself was pretty good andddd it was a true story. 
Action/comedy meets First 48 ? If that makes sense ? 
It's a go. 

Sunday night we saw The Place Beyond the Pines. 
It was a little odd at first- odd meaning is this Ryan Gosling I'm
looking at or Slim Shady? Also the scene where Eva Mendez
walks out wearing a tank top with no bra. 100% necessary?
A little hard to follow but good ending. Go!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


So I promised a Hello Kitty party recap today and quite frankly
I'm about to pass out from exhaustion so we'll try and make this short annn sweet, shall we?

If you are lucky enough to follow me on Pinterest 
then I apologize for all the recent pins of fabulous closets
No, actually, I do apologize for the obnoxious amount of closet pins.
I want to re-do mine. However a Mariah-Careylike closet is not in my future.
Back to reality.
I had been pinning a ridic amount of Hello Kitty party ideas.
For that I do apologize.
And can I just get this out of the way?
I don't know why I'm so haunted by Hello Kitty.
Maybe because it's EVERYWHERE. But I'm really not a fan.
Which may come off as an odd statement with the photo dump that's about to occur but
it's kind of like when my Mom decided to sponge paint my room purple.
Yes, y'all, sponge paint.
I don't know if she just had extra paint but I came home and it was already happening.
From that day forward I hated purple. 

Ok I cleeeearly just got distracted again. 
Back to party recap!

First up, which you all have already seen are the DIY favor bags.
These were SO stinkin easy!
Time consuming? Yes. 
But so much cuter than the little plastic baggies they sell at party stores.

Here was a little spread of the dessert table.
Vanilla HK cuppycakes on your left and, per my sister-in-law's
request, Chocolate Peanut Butter on your right. 
The cotton candy was only to serve as decor purposes
but once the kids realized it was there it was game over.

The drink table I wasn't totally in love with
but apparently Florida's weather that day decided to grace us with
hurricanic (that's a word, yes?) type winds so I had to limit
the tabletop decor and move on.
I also used plain 'ol water bottles and ripped their labels off
and replaced them with Hello Kitty tape I found at Michael's.
Voila! Hello Kitty water! Weeeee!
Also, would it be a party if there weren't super cute mason jars?
No, ma'am. :)

For the food spread we went with a "taco bar"
type theme. Random, I know. But tacos and chips and salsa
just sounded delish at the time. So taco bar it was!
I'm actually craving all of this as we speak.

It's a major necessity to have some type of activity for the
kids that are running around. Especially since they're all hyped up on cotton candy.
You're welcome, parents.
So we decided to make an activity table with printouts.
And "pin the bow on the Hello Kitty"
Clearly a DIY.
Kelley's banner also made an appearance in that last little snapshot.
Like I mentioned the backyard was basically a wind tunnel so I couldn't 
find a great spot for the banner that day and I totally forgot to snap a pic. 
Double :(:( 

All in all it was a good day!
Claire was being TOO dang cute making her kissy face all day.
And these ladies made an appearance!

I have basically come to the realization that
I'm in love with throwing kids parties. 
Luckily I'm at the point in my life where every other weekend
is either a bridal ORRRR baby shower.
Hello, sarcasm!
So I'm THINKING it won't be too long until I can start crackin out
some of my friends' kid's parties! Yes?! Yes. 

Anyway, the NFL draft is on which meaaannnssss.... bye! :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Holy Shenanigans: Multiple Weekend Updates!

Can we saaayyy M-I-friggin-A?
To say that I have been literally non-stop over the past month
would be an understatement. I have been a busy, busy BEE!

Let's start with Easter weekend and Bry's "man Easter basket."
I had seen this little gem ALL over Pinterest and could not wait to make Bryan's.
This fabulously classy little basket included all of his faves- 
fishin mag, scratch offs, Peeps, Axe, Little Debbie Easter cakes gag.
Ok who am I kidding? They're delicious.
Red Bull and of course an obnoxious amount of candy.
Annndddd the rest of the weekend was spent on the boat.
The way most weekends should be spent, in my opinion. :)

We'll just have to fast forward through the next weekend
which was Claire baby's 2nd Birthday party.
That little shindig will be on the blog this week for
the SPD link up.

Let's seeee what ELSE has been going on round these parts ?
Sorry in advance for the photo dump...
1. Blue Martini for Shan's Bday! Woo Woo!!
2. A little DIY project for my Bro & Sis-in-Law's new home
3. Lot's of new purchases! One of which being
this baby- monogram, chevron infinity scarf from Very Jane!
4. Andddd some new kicks.
5. BEYOND obsessed with these candles from BBW.
Island Margarita and Tiki Beach ? 
I mean honestly. Someone get this girl on a vacation.
6. Boat day and His & Hers Columbia shirts 

Spppeaakingggg of vacation... 
Guess whose going to Punta Cana in a few months?
Bry & I found a killer deal on Living Social for a 4 night all inclusive 
stay at The Sanctuary. Needless to say I have started a live countdown.

We are in desperate need of a vacation. 
I mean a phones off, toes in the sand, drink in hand kinda vacation.
We really haven't been anywhere since Boston last November. 
I know it SEEMS like we're constantly on vacation.. especially with views like this:
BUTTT don't be fooled. Work sometimes just looks a little like vacation. 
We had to head down to Palm Beach this past weekend for
the NACDS event at The Breakers.

I won't lie- I DID have to squeeze in a little fun while I was down there. :)

Alriiiight I'll stop dragging on about shopping and vacations
and tequila shots and let everyone get back to their Mondays.
Don't forget to swing by again this Thursday for Claire's bday recap!