
Saturday, November 2, 2013

October Photo Recap

I can NOT BELIEVE the month of October is already over.
We are 4 months away from wedding day and I know it's going to just fly by.

My new little Canon has been coming out to play quite a bit these days.
Here's some snap shots from the past month:

We decorated.
We took festive Halloween photos of our fur baby.
We went to the pumpkin patch.
We pouted like a small child when we were told "no" to getting
the lacey-looking pumpkin. ....still pouting over that one.
We baked Halloween ice cream cone cupcakes for our niece and nephew.
We forced our niece and nephew to eat the cupcakes so we can take pictures.
We burned through 4 Sweather Weather candles.
I know, I have a problem. 
We went to the carnival. 
We also watered our mums twice a week just like Mom said to and 
they still never fully blossomed like they should have. 
We watched our soon to be husby coach his football team.
We attended Mom's Zumba class for their annual costume Zumba party.
We carved a pumpkin.
Go Knights!
We went to the Coon Hollo corn maze.
We dressed up and passed out candy.
Correction: I passed out candy. 
Bryan went all out and purchased a smoke machine
and a strobe light and scared every small child that walked up our driveway.
Our neighbors hate us. 

I miss you already sweet October!

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