
Friday, August 24, 2012

Birthday Weekend Recap

So you saw the Golf cake and you know my theme, 
but here is a quick little recap of the weekend.
Starting with..
Thursday August 16th
Thursday we went to Bloodhound Brew in MetroWest.
One of my friends opened this place a few months back
and I am addicted. 
Plus we def love supporting other local bar owners. WooWoo!
They have an awesome selection of
craft beers and an even more unique food menu. 

1. Pumpkin Bombs! Bryan got me hooked on these! 
A pumpkin bomb consists of half a glass of a pumpkin draft
(Try Shipyard Pumpkin Head-- it's tooo diiiee) and a shot of
1/2 Baileys and 1/2 Goldshlager. Drop it on in and chug! 
2. Flights! I can't wait to get flights in our bar! 
They're such a good way to sample your drafts. 
Mike, the owner, brought us samples of Sea Dog Blue Paw
(which I didn't need to sample because it's already clear I'm obsessed),
I-4 IPA (another fave), Frambroise and Lost Coast Tangerine.
3. BHB Burger- Holy. Delicious. This burger was so dang good.
So good that I dedicated early Friday morning to cardio =/
Topped with a slice of Bacon and Mac&Cheese. Yeah. 
Friday August 17th
The day before my birthday was SO fun!
I spent the morning in the office and walked into
a pink pile of fun waiting for me at my desk. 

1. See?! My pink pile of fun :)
I loved the pink golf balls! So appropriate.
I also got the cutest little UCF Tervis cups
from Kell and Carla! But lets discuss the 
cupcake for a moment. Kelley found the most
delicious looking Red Velvet cupcake and displayed
it in an individual cupcake dome. I was immediately drawn
to its cuteness. 
2. Kathryn treated me to lunch at my FAVORITE
little downtown Orlando spot: HUE 
Definitely try the Grilled Chicken Bites. 
3. We wrapped up the evening at Amigos. At this point
I felt like I had been eating all day so I just had a soft taco 
and a Corona Light. 
Saturday August 18th
I am such an 8-year-old.
I literally woke up and sat straight up in bed that morning-
like I do every year on my birthday and
Mom of course called at 11:10 on the dot
(when I was born)
and sang Happy Birthday.
1. Mimosas. Duh. 
2. Exploding Golf Balls- ohhhhhhhhhh
the exploding golf balls.
I thought I was being super sneaky having Mike bring
these from Ocala. My plan was to wait a few holes then pull
em on the boys. Bryan clearly had the same thought process.
They, of course, let the Birthday Girl go first and 
much to my surprise (well, first I was actually surprised
that I hit the ball) but oh look! My golf ball exploded!
Nice job, babe.
3. I thought we were all mature enough to stay composed
on the golf course. I was wrong. Golf cart collisions everywhere.
4. Bry Babbyyyy :)
Sunday August 19th
Ok after three days of partying hard,
I needed to relax.
Saturday was a loooong day so I strategically
threw out the idea of a boat day on Sunday to finish off the weekend.
Like I have already mentioned, I L-O-V-E Disappearing Island
in New Smyrna. Totally the "Shark Bite Capital of the World"
..or so Bryan says. It's actually Ponce Inlet which is close,
but I digress.

1. Jake was hot. He needed to cool off, hello?? 
Seemed like a logical idea at the time apparently.
2. Lime-a-Ritas!!!! I am obsessed. 
(Although I am holding a Corona)
3. Little Big Town's Pontoon is playing in my head right now.
"Floatin' is all I wanna do" :) 
At this point it was starting to lightning and I was the 
only one still floating. Jake looks comfortable though.

The past 7 days have completely 
flown by and I am already a WEEK
into my 24th year! Holy Heck :/
Happy Weekend yall!

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