
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall Nostalgia :)) & My Best Friend the Seminole

Another throwwww backkk!
Recall me saying I was going to be posting about old events, etc
 to clean up my "Hostess" page ?
Well here's another. Last week marked the official start
of Fall- despite what Starbucks will tell you about the debut of Pumpkin Spice
being the official start. So I'm feeling a little nostalgic! 
Last year, my mom and I had the brilliant idea to host a massive,
rustic Thanksgiving dinner. 
Around mid-August to early September, random Fall decor
started to accrue in my parents' spare bedroom.
We had invited about 45 friends/family members over for Thanksgiving
so it's safe to say that, yes, Mom and I went a little over board. 
My mom wanted to have dinner outside (such a fab time of year) so she had
4 picnic tables made and we squeezed them all together in their 3-acre backyard.
I had a vision.
Burnt oranges, dark red, deep browns, decorative leaves, mason jars...
The end product?
I'd say we delivered on that.
Here is another side shot in case the first
does not it justice:
It was the sweetest thing- I literally felt like a pilgrim, even with my bottled bud light.
There's nothing like sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner
and being able to look left, look right and be able to
see the people that mean the most to you. 
hashtag happy :) 
Two of my girlfriends even drove back
home from Orlando with me (their families were out of state).
They obviously brought the necessities. 
Also note Haley bonding with Grandma
over her obnoxious Green Bay sweater... Wisconsin...
The girls stayed the weekend and we drove up
to Gainesville that Sat for the
Florida/Florida State game. 

If you haven't picked up on the fact that Bryan and I are Gator
fans, you're either a little on the blind side or you must have just joined us,
in which case welcome new friends. I am a Gator fan.
What the hell, Florida?
Throw another pick why don't you.
The Gators lost last year but we still had a blast. 

ANNYWAAYYY- let me bring you back to present date!
Bry & I are getting ready to purchase our Florida/Florida State
tickets for this year's upcoming game.
We're making the trip to Tally that weekend and staying with
(Aly if you didn't know that, you do now) 
my best friend, right:
We've been trying to get up there for A WHILE NOW
but something keeps popping up every.stupid.weekend. 
LOVE YOU AL!  Kind of over September at this point... come onnn October & November! :):)

Where is my Bubble Bib necklace that I ordered
forever and a day ago? 
No, but seriously.
I was forced to purchase another statement necklace
from Francesca's to wear this Saturday for the UCF game!

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