
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Best Little Workout

So as much as I would looooovvee to be in the gym five days a week-
lets be real.
I mean I have things to do here.
I do try and actually make it to the gym at least twice a week.
The other five days? Eh =/
So I found this work out via and had to share:
It literally takes like fifteen minutes and it WILL
whoop your sweet little butt.
It's perfect for the off-gym days.
I also suggest listening to Electric Avenue Radio on Pandora
while doing this little routine. :) You are welcome.

Tonight Bry and I took our saucy new bikes out for
an evening bike ride sesh. 
I suggested riding up to Brew
(our bar is only a few miles from the house)
but I'm sure he had an idea of how that would end up.
Rehydrating after a 3 mile bike ride with a 400 calorie beer?
Yeah, probably not my best idea. 
When we got back Bry threw some steaks on the
grill while I contributed with a side of instant mashed potatoes.
A cook, I am not. 

Anyway, that is my semi-healthy post for the week year. 
Attempting Pumpkin Spice cupcakes this week! Keep you posted ;) 

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