
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

PINK Breast Cancer Charity Party

<3 October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month <3
..Is it me or is Breast Cancer Awareness becoming
bigger than Halloween during the  month of October? 
This month is very special to me.
My Mom is a survivor and I always like to show my support in one way or another.
Whether it's participating in a walk or donating, I feel that I owe
it to my Mom, whom I could have lost. 
Therefore I have decided to host *yet another* party! 
I chose to host a Bunco for Boobies charity event-
all proceeds to be donated to Susan G Komen. 
Oh what's that you say ? Bunco is for middle aged women
all hopped up on Chardonnay? 
Invite your girlfriends over to play one night,
and yes, 7-8 bottles of vino,
you'll see how exciting it actually is haaaa!

Beverage Display 
The concoction? 

Annndddd the Dessert Display. I clearly outdid myself this time.

Food Setup.. not as exciting, I know.
This buffet server was possibly one of my FAVORITE purchases;
Hellooo Spaceeee:
Here are some other Deets:
Keep Calm & Fight On Printable
..with more of those fabulous little glitter ribbons
I found from Michael's.
Pink Tissues Balls
I am on a tissue ball frenzy now that Kell
has showed me how to master these.
Tissue Balls at EVVEERRYYYY event! YAYY!
The "Hope" Banner
Kelley made this for me, literally the night prior.
I am mildly obsessed with Cricuts and what they can do. 
[Ignore the minor Halloween decor in the background.
I undecorated most of the house for the party but
a few things were missed- OOPS!]
Gift Bags!
[More Kelley projects.. ]
And my un-chalked chalkboard
that I bought from Kirkland's.
It formerly read "BOO" for Halloween
and I just turned it into a Welcome sign on the door for the party :)
$10 bucks well spent!
Finally, I saw this idea on Pinterest. I asked the girls to sign under the 
"I Wear Pink for.." 

Super excited that Mom & Gmom were able to attend!
The party was a total success and we had a blast!
We are donating $250 to the Susan G Komen Research Foundation.

It's not a gazillion dollars but I'm no Donald Trump, people.
I'm hoping to organize a walk in Ocala next year
to switch things up a bit!

We also just recently celebrated 2 of
my best girlfriends' bdays!
Jill turned 25 on the 9th and Haley turned 27 on the 15th.

I made this wine label for Jill.
I took Haley out for margs and gave her a cutie pic of us.
Followed by a super appropriate card. :)

That is all I have for you at the moment, friends!
Actually, I don't know what I'm talking about.
That was an obnoxiously long post.
You are welcome. 
Don't forget my Halloween Treat Countdown starts tomorrow!
Creepy laugh? Not so much? 

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