
Saturday, December 15, 2012

One Year

One year ago was the worst day of my life. 
My seven month old niece was diagnosed with cancer and immediately 
rushed into surgery and a grapefruit-sized tumor was removed from her adrenal gland.

My family has been through hell and back and, by the grace of God,
I can tell you that today she is a happy and healthy girl.

She is still brought in for routine MRI checks and will have to take
meds everyday for the rest of her life. But she has a life.

Sometimes things happen in life that make you take a step back
and realize how much someone really means to you. 
Make sure they know.

Aunt Rinny loves you, Claire cakes!


  1. I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry to hear this but happy to hear she's doing better.She is beautiful!

  2. Wow how sad...she is beautiful! Im so happy she is doing better!
