
Friday, November 8, 2013

5 on Friday!

Five on Friday?! Why not!

- ONE - Family Christmas photos. I. Am. Obsessing.
No sooner that Halloween was over did my little ol Pinterest feed
just start to flood with Christmas-ness. I don't hate it.
I'm thinking this: 
Plus this... 
And then... there's this one.. I can't even handle.
You're welcome. 

- Two - Giving up soda. Yep, this is happening. 
It really is just awful for you. For the last few years I have been hooked on Diet Cherry Coke...
and diet sodas?  
Don't even get me started. 
La Croix is my new jam.
- THREE - Upholstered office chairs! 
Since moving into our new home, I can't complete decorating
one room at a time- oh no, that would just be too easy.
Since Captain Scatterbrain is all over the place, I have now started
on re-doing our home office. That being said, I am on the HUNT for the most perfect office chair.
These are some of my favorites.. 
- FOUR - Our engagement pictures :) 
Our photographer did an amazing job at our engagement shoot last month.
I ended up with almost 200 images from an hour and a half long shoot. 
We were suuuuper crunched for time- literally that morning I had to drop off 100
cupcakes at a shower, have my "goodbye lunch" with my Orlando girlfriends and
finish loading up the U-Haul that afternoon. Once we wrapped up our shoot-
we literally jumped in our cars and moved our butts back to Ocala.
It was a ROUGH day. But all of the images turned out beautiful! 
Except the bags under my eyes.
- FIVE - Farmhouse Tables. 
I have had my eye on these tables for the longest time. 
Now that we're in our new house and hosting our first Thanksgiving, this is happening.
We first just looked into buying one instead of making our own, uh, no. 
The cheapest one at Restoration Hardware was like $1500.
After checking out the wood situation... will be around $150 to make. 
Check back in a week or so for an update :)

And Happyyyy Weekendddd!


  1. La Croix water helped me give up my soda addiction. I love the berry, lime, and orange flavors. If you have a Costco or Sam's Club membership you can get them for a steal.

  2. Love your engagement pictures! Can't wait to see the DIY table! :)

  3. hey beauty!!! just started following thanks to the linkup!! :) girl, i love me som la croix. so much. grapefruit is my favorite!! and the engagement pic is beautiful!!!! swooning over christmas pics ideas as well! :) happy weekend, love! xx

  4. Ahhhh! I love those farmhouse tables!! Can't wait to see what you come up with! Your engagement picture is beautiful too! Can't wait to see more of them! That's great that your photographer gave you that many! :)
