
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thankful: Thanksgiving 2013 Recap { and table reveal }

Has it really already been a week since Thanksgiving?
Where has the first week of December gone??
I am way behind on recapping our day
{and sharing our fabulous new farmhouse table with you}
There. I said it. 
Well, if you follow me on Insta I guess it wasn't much of a surprise 
but let's go ahead and jump right into a photo dump from hosting our
FIRST Thanksgiving!
The table AND the dishes! 
The dishes were a HUGE thing for me this year. 
They are my Great Grandma's autumn dishes.
They were passed on to her daughter, and eventually my Grandma is
passing them on to my Momma. 
They are old yet still so beautiful. 
It was so much fun to have Great Grandma's OLD dishes
and our NEW farmhouse table. 
We're just jumping right into traditions these days :)
Getting my hostess on! 
Don't get excited.. it's cornbread casserole.
That and the sweet potato casserole were the only things I actually
tackled FOOD wise this year... well, and desserts.
Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Dip and.. Mom's Birthday cake!
I spy a little doggie trying to get in on Birthday cake action.
Every 7 years Mom's birthday falls on actual Thanksgiving day.
A birthday and a holiday- so fun!
It was a fabulous day and I was so happy everyone came
to our home this year to share it. 
I practically had all of my Fall decorations down once the last
person left our house on Thanksgiving day. 
Hey? A girl gets excited once the boxes of Christmas decor
start to come down from the attic, ok?
But it was a great day- I'm so blessed to have my family. 
My mom, my dad, my family who couldn't make it, my new, extended
family who will be welcoming me into their family as of March 1st. 
..aaand now it's time to break out the reds and greens, folks!


  1. love the table! I'm obsessing over those dishes..I love ANYTHING vintage and/or handed down. It makes everything that much more meaningful. Looks and sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see what you do for Christmas! xo

  2. Everything looks so beautiful and festive! Even your outfit is perfect for fall!
