
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Our Wedding: Pre-Ceremony & Getting Ready

Let me start this post with promising not to be the obnoxious wedding blogger.
I promise not to draggggg on about us getting ready, Mimosas, monogrammed robes,
flowers, details, Bridesmaids, centerpieces, etc.
....except on Wednesdays.
...and today.

Happy early Wedding Wednesday!
I'm sharing all of our pre-ceremony shots today and then I'll jump into recapping tomorrow.
And yes, as a forewarning, there will be Mimosas and monogrammed robes and Bridesmaids.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend Recap

Ello Ello!
Hope everyone had a fabulous Easter weekend filled with tulips and chocolate covered Peeps
and bright colors and Easter egg hunts and honey glazed ham! 
Or was that just me? 
Spring is officially the cutest season ever and I was taking full advantage.
Here's a quick recap!
Saturday night was spent crafting Easter goodies (in a jar!) for my niece and nephew.
And okay mayybeee polishing off a bottle of Southern Red?
Sunday morning we awoke to this darling alarm to get our butts up
and start getting ready for Easter service.
Then THIS beauty of an Easter basket greeted me when I walked
into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.
I have been obsesssingggg over the "Southern Darlin'" tees & koozies
they just started carrying at A Cut Above, a local boutique here in town.
I still can't believe Bryan even step foot in that store. Proud wife moment!
Find the "Trophy Wife" tee here!
...aannddd it didn't stop there.
I could not WAIT to give Bryan his man basket.
I would say a step up from last year's.
Just what every fishin' guy needs! 
(Seriously this was so much fun to make.)
Did you think we would forget about Jake?!
He wasted no time in pulling out the only thing he actually cared about- the duck.
Pay no mind to the sweet little biscuit that was tied with an Easter bow.
Mom came over later that morning, we snapped an obligatory Easter photo
in our obnoxious outfits. Then, off to church we went.
After church we poured ourselves a glass of champs, stuck a Peep on it
and voila! You have yourself an Easter cocktail!
My parents and Bryan's family came over for Easter dinner and I
stuck to my usual job of setting the table.
I seriously love a good tablescape.
I swear I missed my calling as "professional table setter."
I had been Pinteresting (that's a word, right?) Easter tablescapes
all week and I was ready to set my linen napkins on fire during the process
of figuring out how to fold them into bunny ears.
Next year, bunny ear napkins, next year.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Claire is Three: Tinkerbell Pixie Party

My sweet little nugget niece turned THREE!
Okay, I'm a few weekends late per usual... 
My sister in law gave her options on what type of party she would like this year,
she was pretty adamant on Tinkerbell/Pixie/Fairy party (aren't they all the same thing?)
so Tinkerbell/Pixie/Fairy party is what she got!
{ IDEA } Dress up plain ol' plastic silverware and paper napkins
by folding them up and tying them with a bow or twine!
That FACE :)

Click HERE for Claire's 2nd Birthday Party - Hello Kitty
Click HERE to read Claire's story

Healthy, happy girl :) Makes my heart so full.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

DIY Easter Garland

Happy half way through the week PEEPS.
Yes. That was a tad cheesy... I can't help it.
But speaking of Easter!
Let me share this super quick DIY with you.
My SWEET, beautiful niece, Claire, celebrated her 3rd birthday this past weekend,
so after I share a recap on that I PROMISE I will be getting around to wedding festivities.
On an even more exciting note, we should have all of our photos back by the end of this week.
Contain your excitement.

Last weekend we started painting Bry's office which meant a trip to Lowe's.
Lowe's does NOT suck lately. Either I'm hitting the early stages of
growing-up-syndrome or I'm starting to lose it but I love a good Sunday trip to Lowe's.
A trip to Lowe's meant.. PAINT SAMPLES! 
When life hands you sample paint swatches, you start Pinteresting.
However, life did not hand these paint samples to me.
I went to each and every shade of color and grabbed handfuls and quickly shoved
them into my purse like a sketch ball. Bryan was in the process of having the paint mixed
and looked over at his klepto wife and said, "We are NOT painting anything in the house
that shade of yellow." The deer in headlights look must have been an instant giveaway to
the man helping him, "Ma'am, those are free. You're fine."

Anyhow, swallow your pride and go in and grab yourself some dang paint samples.
Apparently, yes, they are free.
I printed a template of an egg and traced and cut out each one.
You can either hole punch or hot glue them to your ribbon or twine
(I hot glued because my hole puncher was too big so they would be sliding everywhere).
An ADORABLE, practically free Easter DIY!