
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Treat Countdown: 3 days! [candy corn cupcakes]

Ok I skipped yesterday's treat post.
So now we're only 3 days away from Halloween!
Butttttt, today I have for you:
I believe the ingredients and instruction
process is pretty self-explanatory.
Check out this Vanilla Cupcake post for a refresher if you must :)

I was a busy bee this weekend!
Friday night went unpictured but we braved
the 20 mile an hour winds downtown and went
out for dinner, a movie and celebrated one of
our bartender's birthdays. 

SATURDAY was Jake's Halloween costume
contest at his Vet. Yes you read that correctly.
You know those people that blow up your news
feed with pictures of their kids? Every. Hour. 
I am kind of that way with my dog. 
Sorry I'm not sorry.
Is he not the cuteessstttt little Sheriff??
Anyway he won 5th place..
and no, not out of only 5 other dogs,
Mom already tried that one too.
There was probably around 25 dogs entered
and let me tell you- competition was steeeeeeep.
For example:
Coco was a pilot and she took 3rd.
Very impressed with her compliance with the sunglasses.

We actually ended up leaving with a ton of stuff.
Jake won a 2-night boarding stay (Hellooo vaca for Mom & Dad!)
a routine exam, a big bag of Science Diet 
and a bunch of little treats.
I'd say we made out well :)

The rest of Saturday consisted of
watching a TERRIBLE Gator loss.
Georgia is such a dirty team.
Also! It appears that Georgia brought their own
officials- how cute. 
And then for our Halloween party!
It wasn't as intense as it has been in the past-
mostly because a lot of our friends
were out of town for the FL/GA game. 
We weren't even sure we wanted to have people
over until last minute but it was fun
and I love me a good bonfire!
Our costumes totally sucked.
Hello last minute.
Last night basically just proved that I am, in fact,
getting old. Uggghhhh holy headache.
Gone are the days where I
paraded around downtown for Halloween
in pumps and a tutu exposing my ass.  
I am totally ok with that. 
Currently I am watching Hocus Pocus
(for the 293128746th time this week)
with my Pumpkin candle lit, windows open
and Bryan has some ribs thrown on the grill.

Until tomorroowwww <3


  1. Your baby is SO cute! And, yes 2 night boarding stay is an awesome prize!

  2. haha the dog costumes are awesome!

    Those aren't bad for last minute costumes... I like em :)
