
Monday, November 5, 2012

Undecorating & some Pumpkin Spice Cuppycakes

In the words of Phil Robertson:

Last week actually felt like FALL.
By that I mean that it hasn't been lows of 82 here in the F-L-A. 
In other news, my treat countdown didn't exactly go as planned
but you got a few little treats out of it, right ?? 

Here's another, since I HAVE been promising some of these:

Since I haven't posted in a few days allow me
to bring you up to speed:

one. We are getting old. Haley and I spent Halloween
night passing out candy in the front yard while Bryan
got a bonfire going in the backyard and grilled.
Yes I did consume 3 tervis tumblers of Moscato
and question every child on their costume as they approached-
but that to me says adulthood.
two. BREW in Waterford opened back up last week!
Our downtown location has been doing very well but
we recently closed the Waterford one to make a few renovations.
Which means back to LATE NIGHT bar closes on Fri & Sat!
three. I am really loving my job lately!
Now, more than ever, I am so happy with my decision
to be in the sales industry. Keeping me VERY busy.
That being said...
four. I. Am. Exhausted.
I think it's quite apparent that I am
I never realize how busy I am until the end of the week
when I say to myself:
"Where did this week go??"
Now that November rolled around,
there will be no signs of slowing down.
five. I need a vacation.
Bry & I are 10 days away from our
seven year anniversary.
Yes, seven. As in 7. As in 5+2.
Swwweeet baby Jessuussss we need to book a vacation.
I suggest most people take a vacation once
every 4  months- so three times a year.
We are overdue. 
six. Fall weather.
Please come back??! 
I've been busting out the boots
and I'm just not ready for more 80 degree weather. :(

That is all for today friends,
I have a tonnnn ton ton of stuff to do!
Including but not limited to:

Undecorating my house from Halloween
Yes, it has been almost a week :/
Ordering Bry's gift for our Anniv!

Have a fab Monday!

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