
Monday, December 31, 2012

A Look at the Fabulous 2012

To say that I am not ridiculously excited for my first
year-in-review recap would be a total lie

I started this little blog of mine in January and if you're a new face around these parts, 
it will be very obvious that as the months went on I started to get the hang
of this thing and started babbling a lot more about life happenins and 
less skinny banana pudding recipes- which is still super delicious by the way.

We rang in the New Year in January 
and Bryan bought his very first boat!
Went fishing errryyy weekend in Jan. No joke.

February was pretty low key in that we decided not to spend a small fortune
on each other for Valentine's Day (ie. the year that we booked a flight to NYC the day before and spent the day and night in the city and then flew our spontaneous butts home. WAAHHH.) But a fancy dinner at Kres is equally exciting, no?? 
Also experienced my FIRST Daytona 500.
And what an experience that was. Left the house at 4:30. Arrived at 6. Started drinking
mimosas at 6:30. Passed out in the truck by 8AM. This year I will be more prepared. :/

The majority of March was spent realizing that I really am NO LONGER
a college student and that I don't have a seven day binge drinking vaca- otherwise known
as Spring Break. I digress. Still managed to spend a week in beautiful Islamorada- fishing on Bry's new boat. 
Please note the TEETH on that Barracuda.
Also celebrated our first St. Patty's Day as bar owners.
Eric Church hankerin was finally cured after seeing him and Brantley Gilbert in concert.
April marked Claire Baby's 1st birthday! After a rough 6 months of battling cancer, 
my sister in law and I had every intention of going all out for her birthday, until
we were informed that she would be spending that weekend in the hospital for
a chemo treatment. So we downsized and still managed to celebrate despite :) 
Also saw Jimmy Buffet in concert for the second time (note the super tropical maxi dress) and had an amazing Easter with the fam at Gram's

Enter the most exciting month ever: MAY. I bought my dream car!
I'm not engaged yet and I don't have a little nugget running around so I
will go ahead and dub this one of my most exciting life moments. 
Also saw Kenny and Tim in concert in Tampa- BEST. CONCERT. EVER.

My family held a huge benefit for Claire in June.
We raised almost $8,000 to go towards the family since my sister in law
was forced to leave her job once Claire got sick. Such an amazing feeling
to be a part of something this wonderful. :)

Celebrated the 4th of July at our new found spot- Disappearing Island.
(Click link for the Flag Cake!)
And took my nephew to Legoland! SOOO FUNNNN!

We saw Jason & Luke in concert in August
and I celebrated my 24th birthday in obnoxious pink and green on a golf course. 

In September we celebrated Labor Day on the boat (shocking)
and we opened Brew #2 and I went back to my brunette-self and, although my bank account was relieved to not be shelling out $150+ every 4-6 weeks, I'm about
ready to make the transition back to bleach!
A LOT of football also rings a bell in September...

In October we participated in the 4th Annual Rob McCoy Foundation
golf tourney
Brought Jake to his 2nd Pet Halloween Costume Contest
and celebrated Halloween adult-style and passed out candy. 

In November, Bryan & I celebrated seven years of dating
(I know what you're thinking...)
with an AMAZING trip to Boston.
Helped throw my girlfriend's Gator-themed bridal shower.
Had an amazing Thanksgiving with family :)
Anndddd made the trip to Tally to see my best friend
and watch my Gators beat the Seminoles. 

December was spent decorating my house
eeevveeen though I was back and forth to my parents' house almost
every dang weekend..
Survived the apocalypse.
Went to the Beef O'Brady Bowl. 
Had the best Christmas ever and spent a TON
of *QT* with family & friends.


Not gonna lie! 2012 is going to be a tough one to top, but
oh so ready for 2013!

See you in the new year :)

1 comment:

  1. I noticed you went to see Brantley Gilbert live, was he awesome? because i would like to see him live one day!
